Scarf Progress

Friday, June 7, 2013


 Just because I abandoned this site for awhile doesn't mean that nothing has been happening in our lives.  Miss Jackie was born late Friday under a double rainbow.  She and her mother are doing well.  Many people have asked how they can help and while greatly appreciated, I just can't think of anything at the moment. 
 The day after Jackie's birth, her eldest brother and I ran the 5K in the biggest local foot race.  Doug was significantly faster than me but I measure success in completion.  Doug and I also built a pergola / arbor for grapes along the side of our garage.  It will also enclose a chicken coop and provide support for a hammock.

It was also Doug's 8th grade graduation.  While I usually don't think much about the hoopla society seems to want to attach to every mundane event of life, I am led to reflect that I now have a child in high school.  His Intermediate academic career was productive and he received a departmental award for orchestra in recognition I expect for his dancing skills with the upright bass.  He developed an excellent rapport with the administration and in addition to the expected accolades, he was presented with a group photo of himself and the staff in full star wars cos-play.  He said this was his favorite award of the day.