Scarf Progress

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I'm not old

So the opening scene from Holy Grail keeps playing in my head where Arthur accosts a peasant who turns out to be neither old nor a woman. Dennis the peasant claimed to be 37 which today I am as well. As I reflect on my age I am struck by the realization that in three short years I'll be 40. That is a big number. I don't feel particularly old although I do realize that there are things I just can't do anymore. All-nighters have more severe consequinces, I can't eat the legendary amounts of food that I used to, I have to wear glasses more and my teenage sense of invincibility is long gone with my hair. I think of the promise of tomorrow that was portrayed in my youth and how it compares to the reality and have to laugh at all the differences. We still don't have flying cars and still depend on fossil fuels for energy but who saw texting or facebook or iPhones. I have a 12 year old son who has never known a computer without a GUI interface or life before the Internet was accessed with modems. My youngest daughter assumes that handheld devices have touch screens. Makes you wonder what wonders they will see develop that we have no concept of now.


  1. Hey, 37 isn't so bad. I've been that old for months already. Hubby, at a year and a half older than me is starting to get nervous how close 40 is. He wanted to do the Marine Marathon for his 40th birthday, but we probably won't be able to afford it (Airfare to DC alone, after the upcoming Gencon trip, would be too much) so I'm pointing him toward the Disney Goofy run. Marathon and a half for his 40. I'd ask if you want to join him, but I'm sure he's the only one that insane. (I did tell him that since the kids should be in school and I should have a job by then, he could probably aim for that for his 50th).

    Happy Birthday!

  2. I had the same experience at 37, thinking about monty python. Growing old stinks.

    Then again, I have a hot wife. I can afford Gencon every other year. My kids are cool. These days are pretty cool.

    I will admit, sometimes I wax nostalgic about working cable installation. There were some pretty good years there.
